It's funny to me

Indiscriminate perverseness from a distinct 20 something lowland gal

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Top 10 things that customers do to piss me off!!!!

10. People who call in to make changes to an account, but are not on the bill.
Why is it that these people always get upset when you tell them that only the responsible billing party can make changes?? It just doesn’t make sense. It’s like going to the bank to try and take out money on your friend’s behalf. Which is stupid and people would never try. So why try to change things for your friend’s phone line?

9. When someone not on the bill calls in and you ask to speak to the person whose name is on the bill and they are standing right beside the phone. Why not just call in yourself. You know we are going to ask to speak with you so why not call in your self. Unless you have some crazy ass disability there is no reason not to call yourself

8. People who call in and ask us competitors prices or telephone numbers or what competitors are available to them.
This like walking into Wendy’s and asking if they could tell you more about the Big Mac. Or going into Burger King and saying you heard that McDonalds has a new product can you explain it and give me their number. Its just stupid..stupid…STUPID!!!

7. People who call in to transfer service to a new address, but don’t know the address.
Okay if you don’t know where you are moving to. Why call in? You know we will ask you were we need to set up service so why don’t you think we need to know the address. I hate it when people say. “well I don’t’ know the street name or house number, but it’s that one and the end of the street with the brick” Oh really, well let me enter that into my system… brick house and the end of some street in the city where the dumbass lives…no sorry sir my system doesn’t show anything!!

6. Calling in cause you want a credit for dialing the wrong number. You made the mistake, why should we give you a credit for being stupid. Learn your numbers idiot!

5. People calling in to get new service. When you ask if they have had service with us B4 they say “I don’t think so” and then you check and they have an outstanding amount owing of 1000 or so dollars. Like hell you didn’t know you owed us that much money. What… the fact that we cut off your phone cause you didn’t pay us wasn’t a clue? How about the constant calls from the credit agency??? No that doesn’t make you remember anything either. Well how about the fact that you call in every three months to try and get service and we tell you that you owe us money??

4. Swearing at me. Okay what do you think that is going to accomplish? You call me f-ing bitch or worse and you think I will go “hey you are right let me give you a huge credit jerkoff”

3. perverted people.
Generally I love perverted people. However, I do not want to hear what porno you like to watch at what time or hear you moaning while touching yourself as I’m talking to you. Come on it’s not a 1-900 number. Try going to Sears to buy something while you are jerking off and see if you don’t land your ass in jail

2. People who have their account in arrears or have a restriction on the line.
They call in to get a service and we have to say no, I’m sorry your welfare check hasn’t come in yet. You have to pay off your account before we’ll make changes and they just don’t get it. Try walking into Future shop and say “hey I want that TV but I don’t have any money and I still owe you money from the last thing I bought. People would never do that so why try with us?
Or I love when people with a restriction on the line call in and want it removed. They always say...”no I added that on to save a little money, you can remove that now” YOU DON”T HAVE ANY MONEY that’s why WE added it on….remember you’re the moron not us…..stupid

1. People who call in and start off the conversation with I hate you or I can’t believe you charged me this……..and then continue to yell and yell and yell and yell. Why do you think I would want to help you out? Now that you have screamed at me for 20mins I’m not going to help you….not at all…in fact I just may go out of my way to make sure you never get helped. And the fact that you think that threatening to go to another company is going to make me give you things for free. How do you figure that works? It doesn’t! Why do people think that just because you are on the phone you can treat people like crap and that’s fine?


  • At 12:05 AM, Blogger drunkbh said…

    Nice list. I could add a few myself. How about the people that believe that you should be psychic? You should know exactly what they want and need just because.


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